Become the Happiest Person You Know in Just 30 Days with ONE Simple Shift

Limited Time Offer: Get 30 Days to a Happier Life for 30% Off
Do you yearn to feel deeply happy at your core?
Do you want to be able to LOVE your life, even if it’s not ‘perfect’?
Do you know in your heart that more peace and joy is possible than what you’re currently feeling?
If you’re like most people in our fast-paced crazy world, the struggle to find true happiness feels elusive.
Going through life and day-to-day challenges without understanding how to create your own lasting happiness (and believe me, you weren’t taught this in school) is like walking a tightrope without a net.
It’s daunting and draining! It literally zaps your energy and can leave you feeling stressed out, worried, cranky and dissatisfied with life.
Let me tell you, from what I’ve discovered, deep happiness is something that’s developed. It doesn’t come from “money, stuff, or status” or even other people. When you understand what happiness really is, you have the power to create a deeply-rooted foundation from which lasting happiness flows.
Where happiness flows, everything grows! And all areas of your life - money, well-being, relationships, and purpose flourish.

I’m going to really open with you… I had the picture perfect life. Money, success, love, wonderful things, a beautiful home, and still, I found myself unhappy. . .

Here's How I Discovered What Happiness Really Is!"
Hi, I’m Marci Shimoff, creator of the 30 Days to a Happier Life program, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Happy for No Reason, world-renowned transformational teacher and expert on a #1 New York Times bestselling author, and a worldwide transformational teacher on happiness, miracles, and unconditional love.
I’ve spent a LOT of time understanding happiness.
Earlier in my life, I wanted to get what I thought would make me happy. So I worked really hard to have a successful career, great friendships, a comfortable home, and a loving life partner.
I achieved the goals I set for myself, even gaining fame and fortune as a best-selling author of several books. I went on book tours, gave speeches to thousands of people, and received praise and recognition from people all over the world.
In every way, I had the “happy life” I’d set out to create.
But no matter how much I accomplished or what I did, I still wasn’t happy. And it was that unhappiness that led me to dig deeper.
I interviewed scores of happiness experts, and conducted my own research on happiness.
I also interviewed 100 people who were actually living in the state I call “happy for no reason.”
What I discovered thrilled me because it finally explained why I wasn’t happy as a kid or a successful adult, even though I thought I had SO much to be happy about.
My research showed hat circumstances do NOT determine our state of happiness and well-being –some of the happiest people in the world don’t have a lot of things like money or fame.
What they DO have is the skill for building, growing, and strengthening deep and lasting happiness.
And what I uncovered was one shift, one understanding of happiness that most of us never learn.

This ONE shift totally transformed my life, and now I’m deeply satisfied, fulfilled, and having more fun than ever!
Now I want to help you build your happiness skills, so you can create a deeply satisfying life full of fun and fulfillment!
In 30 Days to a Happier Life, I break down this new understanding of happiness in a way that makes sense, is easy to implement, and gives you quick results.
You’ll learn how to build your happiness skills and transform every area of your life.
While in the 30 Days to a Happier Life program, you’ll learn:

30 Days to a Happier Life is different because I’m teaching you to build a skill. It’s not about setting goals or just repeating affirmations; it’s about exercising and strengthening your natural ability to be deeply happy every single day.
You can create a satisfying, more fulfilling life that’s filled with fun and excitement IF you learn the skill of happiness. (If you’re like me, no one taught me this growing up.)
You can either continue to chase happiness through ‘stuff, things, and status’ or simply tap into happiness right here and now. And never need another ‘thing’ or ‘person’ to be happy.
All the happiness you desire is already inside of you. I’ll show you how to build and strengthen it so you always have a strong foundation of happiness that can’t be shaken.
There’s even more! It keeps getting better…I’ll teach you:
Start Your 30 Days to a Happier Life Now

When You Sign Up Today, You’ll Also Receive 2 Incredible Bonuses as My Gift to You for Making Such a Life-Changing Decision for Yourself.
And these aren’t just any bonuses, but bonuses designed to deepen the impact the 30 Days to a Happier Life program will have for you.

BONUS #1: The Happy for No Reason Paraliminal Meditation
This meditation uses a special encoded audio technology that:
You can even listen to this while you sleep and receive incredible benefits! .
(Please listen with headphones so you can hear the two separate messages in each ear for the paraliminal effect)
BONUS #2: The Happy for No Reason Intention Cards
Each card focuses on one of the "21 Happiness Habits" that are covered in the program. You can use these beautiful images and intentions to inspire, uplift and guide you throughout your happiness journey.
Total Value: $119
That’s totally FREE and on top of the 50% discount for 30 Days to a Happier Life, this is perfect timing for you!

My Unconditional Happiness Guarantee: Take a full 7 days to examine the program, daily lessons, tips, techniques, and exercises. If, at the end of the 7 days, you decide this program isn’t going to improve your life, let me know, and I’ll refund your investment in FULL, no questions asked.
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My Unconditional Happiness Guarantee: Take a full 7 days to examine the program, daily lessons, tips, techniques, and exercises. If, at the end of the 7 days, you decide this program isn’t going to improve your life, let me know, and I’ll refund your investment in FULL, no questions asked.
Yes, you can LOVE who you are…
Have endless gratitude for your circumstances, no matter what they are.
And LOVE your life, even if it’s not ‘perfect’.
You can wake up smiling and SO excited for the day ahead.
You can surround yourself with passionate, meaningful relationships that fill your heart with joy.
You can attract new opportunities, abundance, and MORE good things when you gain this ‘happiness’ skill and start using it in your daily life.
Remember, you have the power to master a skill that will change your life and give you lasting happiness.
Or you can continue to chase ‘money, stuff and status’ in the hopes that you’ll finally be happy.
I can tell you from experience that’s a tough road to follow. For me, it just led to more frustration, unhappiness, longing, and ultimately missing out on life.
You can experience a greater level of happiness than you ever have before when you learn everything I have for you inside 30 Days to a Happier Life.
Start Your 30 Days to a Happier Life Now

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My Unconditional Happiness Guarantee: Take a full 7 days to examine the program, daily lessons, tips, techniques, and exercises. If, at the end of the 7 days, you decide this program isn’t going to improve your life, let me know, and I’ll refund your investment in FULL, no questions asked.

I’ve poured everything I learned into daily lessons, tips, techniques, and exercises, so I could help you experience a life transformation too.
30 Days to a Happier Life is my step-by-step daily program sharing everything I learned in my research that actually works.
You’ll learn how to:
As a result of these 30 happiness-focused days, something really cool happens:
It no longer matters what comes your way (because, let’s face it, there’s bound to be ups and downs in life), it doesn’t shake your foundation of deep happiness.
It’s like going through every single day with a permanent smile on your face. This smile seems to be there for no reason! And it spreads to everyone around you. Good things are drawn to you like a magnet!
Here’s why: It’s a reflection of your internal state. Your internal state becomes lighter. It’s not weighed down by worry. You aren’t consumed by what other people may think of you. You don’t need ‘the next big thing’ to be happy.
You ARE happiness.
And as a result, supportive people, incredible opportunities, excitement, and fun just gravitate toward you.
Imagine if you could have more loving, meaningful relationships in your life. How would it feel if you were free to be YOU and, in doing so, attracted the people who supported and loved you unconditionally?
How would it feel to meet challenges without worry and feel at total ease no matter what shows up?
Imagine experiencing such deep happiness that life begins to shift around you in the most beautiful ways.
This is why I created 30 Days to a Happier Life.
This is a 30-day program with daily lessons, tips, techniques, and exercises to help you create more satisfaction, fulfillment, and fun in your life!
When You Sign Up Today, You’ll Also Receive 2 Incredible Bonuses as My Gift to You for Making Such a Life-Changing Decision for Yourself.
And these aren’t just any bonuses, but bonuses designed to deepen the impact the 30 Days to a Happier Life program will have for you.

BONUS #1: The Happy for No Reason Paraliminal Meditation
This meditation uses a special encoded audio technology that:
You can even listen to this while you sleep and receive incredible benefits! .
(Please listen with headphones so you can hear the two separate messages in each ear for the paraliminal effect)
BONUS #2: The Happy for No Reason Intention Cards
Each card focuses on one of the "21 Happiness Habits" that are covered in the program. You can use these beautiful images and intentions to inspire, uplift and guide you throughout your happiness journey.
Total Value: $119
That’s totally FREE and on top of the 50% discount for 30 Days to a Happier Life, this is perfect timing for you!

My Unconditional Happiness Guarantee: Take a full 7 days to examine the program, daily lessons, tips, techniques, and exercises. If, at the end of the 7 days, you decide this program isn’t going to improve your life, let me know, and I’ll refund your investment in FULL, no questions asked.
Start Your 30 Days to a Happier Life Now

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What You'll Get in Each of the 30 Days

Days 1-5: The Pillar of the Mind
Learn How to Rewire Your Brain for Happiness, Through Techniques Designed to Increase Your Joy and Resilience Throughout the Day
Learn how to rewire your brain for happiness through techniques designed to increase the number of positive thoughts you have throughout the day.

Days 6-9: The Foundation
Take Responsibility for Your Happiness
Discover why certain mindsets and attitudes either contribute to your happiness or drain it. And hear how to make happiness a choice, no matter what personal challenges you’re facing.

Days 10-13: The Pillar of the Heart
Open Your Heart to Yourself and Others
Living with an open heart is one of the pillars of happiness. Find out how to become a more open and loving person to yourself and others through exercises that enforce the habits that will make your heart blossom with compassion and warmth.

Days 14-17: The Pillar of the Body
Uplevel Your Biochemistry of Happiness
You can raise your happiness set point by improving your body’s and brain’s physiology. In these videos, you’ll learn everyday health habits that increase serotonin and other “feel good” body chemicals.

Days 18-21: The Pillar of Spirit/Soul
Plug Into the Greater Energy of Life
Learn how to get closer to the soulful or spiritual side of life, or forge a stronger connection with your Higher Self, to trust yourself, trust life, and feel happy.

Days 22-25: The Roof
Discover Your Life’s Purpose
Knowing that you’re living a purpose-filled life is critical to happiness. Find your purpose and how to live according to that purpose, whether or not you enjoy what you do every day.

Days 26-30: The Garden
Attract Relationships That Create Happiness
Learn the secrets to surrounding yourself with the kind of relationships that feed your happiness and make life a joy.
Start Your 30 Days to a Happier Life Now

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My Unconditional Happiness Guarantee: Take a full 7 days to examine the program, daily lessons, tips, techniques, and exercises. If, at the end of the 7 days, you decide this program isn’t going to improve your life, let me know, and I’ll refund your investment in FULL, no questions asked.

"The transformation I’ve made with these powerful teachings is astounding. Even my husband noticed an immediate difference once I started practicing the happiness habits. Within weeks I was able to apply the principles to my business, employees and clients. I love the clarity I’ve been able to gain and the new direction I have for my life.”
Cari G.

"My life was wonderful on the outside, but I wasn’t happy inside, as I was suffering from postpartum depression. I was crying all the time, but didn’t know why. In all of the places I had been feeling stuck, the happiness practices helped me find deep relief. I began to share the principles and practices with my children and close friends. I can genuinely say that not only is my life as a happy mom and wife been profound, but the ripple effect has been monumental."
Kylie D.

"Marci's a heart-centered, fun and wise guide. She's given me the practical and easy-to-use tools to create happiness that's sustainable regardless of outside circumstances. I'm so grateful."
Gary N.

“This approach to happiness is profound and powerful for changing anyone’s happiness level. I know it’s made a huge impact on me.” ~
~ Dr. Colleen H.

"I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer last year and I've been using my happiness tools to help me through my journey. They've been invaluable. Now I'm starting up a cancer support group to help others called “Thrive.”
~ Amy M.

"While I thought I had my “dream job” as a research analyst, I still felt like something was missing in my life. I just wasn't happy. So when I came across this happiness work, I opened my mind to a much broader idea of what real happiness is, not driven by external success, but true happiness from the inside. The practices in this program helped me experience deep inner happiness and get clear about the meaning and purpose of my life. I’ve now launched my own business that’s much more aligned with my heart, and I’m feeling deeply fulfilled. Implementing Marci’s Happiness Habits was the turning point, and I’m so grateful!”
~ Kelly G.

“The practices in this program have encouraged me to find the good in any moment and to stay peaceful and trusting in the universe. I realized this morning as I was looking in the mirror, that I actually like the person that I am! I now feel that I love myself being myself. That’s HUGE. I have such deep gratitude and true excitement for what I know will unfold in my life.”
~ Lilli P.

“I will always be grateful for this program. It’s allowed me to cross the bridge into who I really am. I’m so glad I showed up for myself and followed my intuition.”
~ Elliot R.
I know you want true happiness. I totally get it. . .
Happiness isn’t something I’ve just written about; I’ve lived it! I believe when you’re happy, I mean truly happy, you naturally attract more good things into your life.
You attract more loving relationships. Happy people get asked out more and draw attention from the people they’re a match to. It’s like becoming the light that draws everyone in! If you’re in a relationship, your shift in happiness can make your relationship even more meaningful and fulfilling.
You attract more opportunities. You’ll experience more support to grow in your career or business. You’ll get noticed more and recognized for your skills, talents, and strengths. Happy people stand out and naturally attract success.
You become more confident. You’ll experience a calm confidence that comes from being happy with who you are. Nothing can shake it. Happy people love themselves unconditionally.
And it builds on itself. The happier you are, the more good things you attract, the deeper your appreciation of life becomes, and your happiness grows.
Happy people just keep getting happier.

You deserve to be happy. We all do!
I hope you’ll take the next step on your lifelong happiness journey and join me inside 30 Days to a Happier Life.
You’re fully backed by my Unconditional Happiness Guarantee: Take a full 7 days to examine the program, daily lessons, tips, techniques, and exercises. If, at the end of the 7 days, you decide this program isn’t going to improve your life, let me know, and I’ll refund your investment in FULL, no questions asked.
Questions? Contact my Happiness Team at:
Start Your 30 Days to a Happier Life Now

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My Unconditional Happiness Guarantee: Take a full 7 days to examine the program, daily lessons, tips, techniques, and exercises. If, at the end of the 7 days, you decide this program isn’t going to improve your life, let me know, and I’ll refund your investment in FULL, no questions asked.

“I’m certain that if you follow the practices that Marci Shimoff offers, you will manifest a lifetime of happiness.”
~ Jack Canfield, author of The Success Principles and co-creator of Chicken Soup for the Soul

“Marci is one of the most compelling people I’ve ever known. I’m happy she’s shared her wisdom with all of us.”
~ Marianne Williamson, #1 New York Times bestselling author of A Return to Love

"Marci’s work offers clear, powerful, and effective steps you can practice to be happier now!”
~ John Gray, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus

“Marci offers a practical and hopeful solution to fear, depression, anxiety, and stress in her work. Here’s the secret: Each of us has the ability to focus on joy and happiness–regardless of what is going on in the world. And therein lies our power–and ability to be healthy and happy.”
~Christiane Northrup, MD, author of Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom and The Wisdom of Menopause

"This program is a wonderful collection of techniques and examples..."
...shared by people who have had one of the most important realizations I think we can have--that we already have within us the ability to live in a state of happiness.”
~ Lindsay Wagner, “The Bionic Woman,” Emmy Award-winning actress
© 2025 Happy For No Reason. I Shimoff and Associates LLC - All Rights Reserved